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Jeff Greene

Near Tragedy

Have you ever thought about what type of person you are? It’s a tough question and not easily defined. And more importantly there is no right or wrong answer. I think it is easier to determine what type of person you are not. What am I talking about?

Last Christmas season, we were out shopping at a crowded area where parking spaces were scarce and sidewalks heavily traveled.

Santa and a couple of live reindeer were present and we ventured over to view these beautiful creatures.

That is when near tragedy struck.

We were walking to get a closer view of the reindeer when I heard the sound of screaming and the loud crash of glass breaking.

This is the point where people wired differently react to who they are.

Among the screams and the slight panic there were those who gathered their kids under foot and headed off in the other direction. The Protectors.

There were those who gawked, rubber neck if you will, with concern on their faces but at a distance. The Train Wreck watchers.

But then you will notice that one or two people who run toward where trouble is. I watched one such individual spirit toward the situation. The Reactors and at time the Heroes.

What happened? Apparently, an elderly woman, instead of hitting the break, hit the gas and drove her car through the glass façade of a retail store and lodged her car at the cashier’s counter.

Me, I reacted as the observer and did nothing. Count me among the gawkers with concern on my face.

The impact of this literally made me stop, watch, and think. To see parents herding their children away from whatever danger may be present, an instinctive move from being a parent. Others walking forward with caution not knowing what has happened but in a sense risking to find out or maybe waiting to see if their help was needed. And then the one. Without hesitation, without fear, without thought, someone who charges head first knowing their help was needed no matter the situation.

Luckily and I don’t know how, for the area was packed with people, no one was injured.

Just thought I would share this.

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