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Jeff Greene

What If (I)

“What if” posts are not simple writing prompts but supercharged explorations into the many directions a simple prompt can take you. Here you will find conventional questions and “what if” questions surrounding a prompt to help get the creative juices flowing.

From the book What if? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe comes this one what if question.

What if everyone actually had only one soul mate, a random person somewhere in the world?

What if there was only one real soul mate? How would you find them?

What if they were already dead or haven’t been born yet? Would time travel help you find them?

What if your soul mate exists in your time but there is a huge age difference? How would you see the relationship compared to other’s opinions? What if you are young and your mate is about to die when you found them?

What about cultural differences, language barriers, religious beliefs?

What if your true soul mate were already married?

What if you mate is a bad person? Or you’re a bad person? A thief, abusive, politician, terrorist, or murderer?

What if they were famous? Or homeless?

What if there was some device that helps you on your quest for your soul mate, but only points you in the right direction without really telling you who they are?

What if there was a social network that helps find people’s soul mate and they have rigorous tests (criteria) to determine such a thing?

What if there were companies that could find your soul mate for a fee? What if there was a private detective for such a thing? What if it cost a lot of money and you are determined to raise the cash? What would you do?

What if it’s your job to find people’s soul mates? And in the process, you find yours?

What if you found your soul mate or thought you did but your mate lied about some important criteria? What if you lied?

What if you had no soul mate? What if you were so disturbed by such a thought, you created a different personality inside yourself and that becomes your soul mate? Or you thought so? Could you craft a story based on a split personality where the reader cannot determine such a split person until the end? (Three by Ted Decker)

What if by some twist of fate, you had two soul mates or you’re one of the two vying for one?

What if your soul mate was hired to kill you before they knew you were made for each other? What if you are hired to kill your soul mate?

What if your soul mate was your sibling but you were unaware they were not your blood relative but adopted.

What if you soul mate was of a different sexual orientation? LGBTQ. What if this is against your religion but they are your soul mate?

What if the situation about soul mate relates to Romeo and Juliet?

What if you reject your soul mate? Or they you?

What does “soul mate” mean to you? And why do you want one?

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