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Jeff Greene

A Taste for Running

In Bordeaux, France an annual Marathon du Medoc is held. This particular marathon is unlike any I have ever heard of. This 26.2 mile race follows a route past chateaux and vineyards where runners are encouraged to taste wines. Entries are limited and of course, must be of legal drinking age. You must dress up in costume, by the way. Although some of the pictures I’ve seen, this is not strictly enforced.

Not only are there 23 wine stops along the way, but oysters, steak, and ice cream are also available. How well that goes with running, I’m not sure. Now if I could walk the route or better yet ride a golf cart, then sign me up.

After doing a bit more research this marathon is no longer unique but has inspired several others. Here are a few, if you are so inclined to participate.

Half Corked Marathon 18K, Oliver, BC

Fueled by Fine Wine Half Marathon, Dundee, Oregon

Water to Wine Half Marathon, Fulton California

Harvest Stompede, Suttons Bay, Michigan

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