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Jeff Greene

A Year of Reading

I use Goodreads to track the books that I read. They do a couple of things really well. One being every year you can set a goal of how many books you want to read with the ability to track your progress through the year. The other thing they do well is “My Year in Books” which I have added a link at the bottom.

Looking back at the books I’ve read this year.

My least favorite: Quantum by Patricia Cornwell. I’ve read a lot of her books but stopped because I just got bored with them. When she came out with a new series, I was excited. I shouldn’t have been. My favorite: I can’t pick because there are so many. In years past, my favorite would come from fiction but this year was the year of non-fiction. I had a goal of reading 35 books but I finished with 45. Of the books I read, I would recommend these. Everybody Lies by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz. Eye-opening data mining on big data. A Life in Parts by Bryan Cranston. The Breaking Bad actor’s life. Opening Day by Jonathan Eig. Jackie Robinson’s first season. If you watch the movie 42, it seems a lot came from this book but re-arranged for cinematic reasons. High Heat by Tim Wendel. The search for the fastest pitcher. I learned a lot more about baseball with this book. If I had to choose a favorite, it would have to be Hello World by Hannah Fry. Dive into the world of algorithms and she explains it beautifully. Very eye-opening and well worth the read. No matter what your interest you will not be disappointed with this one. Other notable ones. The Storyteller’s Secret by Carmine Gallo, Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks (good at first but repetitive), The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein (sad and wonderful), Party of One by Dave Holmes (ex-MTV Veejay on coming out and other things), Sh*t My Dad Says by Justin Halpern (very funny but loaded with language).

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