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Jeff Greene

Memorial Day Stories (Part II)

As Memorial Day weekend is fast approaching some are in the process of preparing for their cookouts with friends and family. Some are planning a getaway to the beach or the mountains. All very much deserved, I’m sure.

Here in Oregon if the forecast is correct we will warm up from today’s 60-degree weather and soar into the 70s or 80s by the weekend.

I don’t want to forget the reason for Memorial Day. A lot of sacrifices occurred so we could enjoy food from the grill or a pleasant trip to the ocean. A lot of heroism occurred for the freedom we enjoy. A lot of cemeteries are full of those, who not only did what they thought was right but in what they believed in.

I was walking through a store the other day and I saw an older gentleman with a veteran’s hat on. Sure I could have walked right past him and went about my business. No one would have thought anything about it. But I would.

In today’s world, I didn’t think it appropriate to approach him to shake his hands, of which I have done in the past. It was very obvious to me he was proud to have served. As I drew near to him, I nodded and said “Sir” to show my respect. I hope he took it as my simple acknowledgment and my appreciation.

If you have not or it has been a long time, please pick up a book that tells you some of the stories from World War II and read it. The character of those who fought and died is extraordinary. Read any military history from the civil war on. It will help you remember and appreciate what Memorial Day is all about.

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