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Jeff Greene

Veterans Day

After WWI, 1919, President Wilson, “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…”

After WWII, 1954, the 83rd Congress turned Armistice Day to Veterans Day to honor American Veterans of all wars.

Joining the military, the traditional path to adulthood, (high school graduation, college, and or career), is bypassed and the pace to that adulthood is somewhat quickened. The reason for services can range from being in a military family and everyone servers, to just simply wanting to leave your hometown. But I believe for whatever the reason, either before you enter service or just after, you have a desire to serve your country.

This aspiration is taught to you in, at times, harsh lessons, and sometimes in fun and exciting ways. You learn that not only does the person beside you depend on you but you depend on each other. In turn, the big picture comes into focus as the military depends on the country, and the country depends on the military. Have each other’s back.

On first entering, you will be yelled at, berated, shaved off your hair, and dressed like everyone else. There is no distinguishing between the individual. You will march, eat, and exercise as one. And if one fails, all fail. The process is just the start of building you up. To making you a better you. You will not only leave being more cordial, more hardworking, but you will understand why you have become all of these things.

For a long time now, this has been a volunteer service. And while there are a lot of benefits that encourage young men and women to volunteer, I believe most cherish the camaraderie, the selfless service, and maybe most of all the pride of having served.

Take some time today, to thank a veteran, in fact, take some time to thank one at any time.

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